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Is Closed Rhinoplasty Better Than Open Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, remains one of the most technically challenging plastic surgeries performed. The procedure requires meticulous attention to details, where mm of changes can mean difference between a good, great, or suboptimal result. Because the surgery is so precise, good exposure contributes to better diagnosis and ability to perform precise maneuvers. ThisRead More

What are best options to build up my bridge?

By far, the most common requested change in rhinoplasties is to take down a hump.  Everyone wants a nice straight smooth profile.  But some patients- particularly ethnic patients, will feel their bridge is too low and will want to build up their nasal dorsum.  As with almost every question asking about best option, the answerRead More

Is Preservation Rhinoplasty the best rhinoplasty technique?

Rhinoplasties are among the most challenging surgeries a surgeon performs on the face. According to surveys, nearly 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed each year in the United States, making it one of the most popular procedures. Similar trends are seen in other countries. No wonder, like other popular plastic surgeries, there is immense interest in allRead More

Why is revision rhinoplasty so hard?

Rhinoplasties are among the most challenging surgeries a surgeon performs on the face.  Every nose is different, and no one technique will always work on everyone to achieve the results you’re looking for.  Another challenge is that even after a good surgery, there is a small degree of inherent uncertainty on how your particular noseRead More

Should I get Asian blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty?

Recently, China’s highest ranking diplomat , Wang Yi, told South Korean and Japanese guests that they “will never become Westerners.”  He said, “It doesn’t matter how much you dye your hair blonde, how sharp you make your nose, you’ll never become Europeans or Americans.  You’ll never become Westerners.”  Now, he was saying those comments inRead More

5 Tips to Maximize Recovery After a Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, or nose job, is one of the most popular facial cosmetic surgeries sought by patients. Once you’ve found a surgeon you trust and made the decision to have your nose reshaped, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous about the surgery. What many patients worry about is the postoperative recovery. A rhinoplasty is one ofRead More

6 Biggest Rhinoplasty Risks

Rhinoplasty, or nose job, continues to be the number one facial cosmetic surgery performed in the United States. This frequency means the public should be aware of risks, and the 6 biggest risks from a rhinoplasty was recently highlighted in an article from Realself. Since rhinoplasty is the most common surgery I perform, I thoughtRead More

Am I Too Old for a Nose Job?

A topic of public interest has been kids getting plastic surgery. I have commented on pediatric rhinoplasty in past blogs , but a less common question has been can one be too old for a rhinoplasty? It’s become commonly accepted that many cosmetic and other elective surgeries are done when we’re younger, so that weRead More

Booking a Rhinoplasty for a Teenager: What You Should Know

A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is the most common cosmetic procedure requested in my practice.  Whether from a sports injury or from genetics, many teenagers aren’t happy with their nasal appearance.  Sadly, some are so bothered by it that it affects their self-confidence or self esteem.  This may be due to unfortunate teasing they getRead More

Differences Between Female and Male Rhinoplasties

Men and women in San Antonio are looking into rhinoplasties, or nose jobs.  While each rhinoplasty is individualized for each patient, regardless of sex, there are some general considerations to consider when doing a rhinoplasty from the gender perspective.  I should clarify these issues I will discuss relate to cosmetic surgery.  With respect to aRead More